About Us

We are a volunteer group of engineers, technical writers, project managers, and students from across BC.

What is OSMS?

Open Source COVID-19 Medical Supplies (OSCMS) started during the COVID-19 pandemic with a mission to accurately document the coronavirus and it's prevention/treatment. OSCMS seeks to provide transparent, accurate, layman-accessible, medically-reviewed requirements for supply design; and to Make Designs that meet these requirements available as open-source in order to allow manufacturers and makers to provide vetted supplies directly to their area. OSCMS-BC joined this network as the local chapter representing the province of British Columbia.

After a couple of months focusing on COVID-19, we recognized that the needs that are being discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic will likely recur if our society encounters another health crisis, and there are lots of valuable lessons being learned that could be carried into every day life going forward. Accordingly, we dropped the C, and re-branded as Open Source Medical Supplies. We plan to be here permanently!

Our Vision

A province where access to healthcare supplies and accurate health information is ubiquitous and dependable.

Our Mission

OSMS-BC harnesses the agility of startups, non-profits, individuals, and the private sector to augment public health in the areas of design, research, analytics, community building, and information sharing. We openly collaborate with design teams, manufacturers, suppliers, and other stakeholders to overcome the challenges of delivering needed medical equipment and supplies. We are also a hub of information, gathering and curating knowledge that is then used to help inform and educate the public.

To achieve our Mission, OSMS-BC:

Supports Local Organizations

  • Identifies and empowers design teams that are working on projects or initiatives to augment the public healthcare system and improve the supply of basic healthcare necessities.

  • Provides aid in the form of personnel, expertise, funding, direction, marketing, and connections to see viable ideas and designs fully developed, documented, and released.

Innovates Solutions

  • Anticipates equipment needs and other public health challenges.

  • Finds creative solutions to problems through open collaboration with a strong network of professionals and experts.

Connects People With Resources

  • Seeks individuals and groups with skills and ideas that need to be discovered.

  • Facilitates information sharing among design teams and other interested parties.

  • Identifies manufacturers, suppliers, and distributors with capacity and capability to make or provide the pieces and parts needed by design teams.

  • Maintains a low-cost, Open Source, globally-available model for all designs.

Leads the Conversation

  • Promotes, encourages, and models a culture of best health practices.

  • Gathers quality information and distills the key themes to create messaging that is easily understood and accepted.

  • Performs primary research and produces consumable analytics regarding public health trends.

Our Values

  • Teamwork: We foster and value collaboration internally and with other organizations in order to leverage combined strengths.

  • Leadership: We provide direction and insight to guide work on new ideas and initiatives; we mentor individuals and organizations to help them grow and succeed.

  • Social Intelligence: We actively evaluate the developing needs and values of both our partners and the public, and we pursue those things which serve the greater good.

  • Creativity: We seek out and develop unique and innovative solutions to complex challenges, making room for unconventional approaches.

  • Persistence: We remain committed to our goals and objectives, regardless of adversity or the duration of the fight.

Help Us Find BC Projects Fighting COVID-19

Are you, or do you know a BC-based organization fighting COVID-19? Let us know.

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